How to Use Creativity to Reduce Stress?

3 min readMar 17, 2021
Photo by Nadim Merrikh on Unsplash

Life can throw challenging situations to us at any time. Often, it leads to confusion, anxiety or even depression when we’re not equipped with the tools to handle those issues. When it happen, we have to prepare ourselves with a set of tools to ease those stressful moment.

Creativity is one of the key to release us from those confused and heavy emotional state. Creativity pulls us away from darkness. Yes, you can reduce stress by doing creative things because your brain will begin to create a different neuron pathways to solve the issue you’re facing.

When you rewire your brain with joy long enough in a situation that you feel is very stressful, your brain will slowly begin to map a new response system. So instead of injecting more cortisol into your bloodstream, your body will remember the state of joy and inject oxytocin. So here’s how to stay joyful through stressful situation.

Embrace Your Imagination

Allow your inner self to unleash the hidden potential, the artistic side of you. Without imagination, we get stuck in the same pattern of habits we are used to. There are many ways to fuel your imagination. For instance, you can do visualization meditation, mind mapping, journal or simply by sharing something new you’ve learned recently to another person.


There is power in penning down thoughts, feelings and ideas. Get a blank piece of paper, and lose yourself in it. The good part about writing is that it soothes your emotional burden, and gives you an opportunity to be more aware of your reality. You can get so consumed into writing that you lose track of time, and totally forget the stress from awhile ago.


Music helps us to experience the inner self while allowing us to explore the art of other people. You can express deep emotions and fantasies by listening to music or humming and singing along. That’s why we often hear the phrase “music soothes the soul”. It always work. Try selecting happy tunes that will elevate your soul or search 528hz on Youtube to ease yourself into the timeless state.

Movement Therapy

When you feel stress, a part of you wish to ease that stress by expressing the trapped emotions held inside of you. The word emotion comes from “emovere”, which means “to move”. Movement and emotions are a life time buddy. Movement is therapeutic in a way that it fosters our physical, spiritual, emotional and cognitive aspects. Through any form of movements, whether it’s physical exercise or dance, we are able to relax and allow the body to regulate the hormones in its most harmonious state and feel free.

Most people assume that creativity is reserved for artists or a certain group of people. No, that’s not true. We all have creative minds and it’s waiting for you to unleash its highest potential. Go for it without hesitation!





Empower truth, clarity and joy🌟 IG: iamdewiforever