How to Sleep Deeply

3 min readMar 20, 2021
Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

It is true every adult should get about 7–8 hours of sleep every day. But in reality, many of us hardly have that constantly in our lives. The reason we sleep appears to be a mystery of its own. The fact is you can’t keep going all day long without shutting those eyes because the nature of our body is to ensure there’s enough resting time for cell’s rejuvenation.

Here are some tips to get a good deep sleep..

Schedule a Time

Recognize your sleep time. You should well be aware that as humans, we are driven by habits and sleep is not an exception. Sticking to a specific bed-time on a daily basis will gradually make your body respond to your bedtime. Likewise, it will too, acknowledge your waking time.

Eat Light before Bedtime

As body slows down at night to begin rejuvenation period, heavy foods or spicy food will disrupt the body’s rhythm. Or if you love snacking, choose foods that will support your sleep such as those containing amino acids, tryptophan. These are foods such as bananas, nuts, and milk.

Avoid the Smartphone Screens at Bedtime

Texting and keeping up with the world seem inevitable for us these days. Smartphones, tablets, tv and most computers contained blue light that effects the eyes. Meanwhile, these lights send signal to your body that it’s ‘not’ night time. Inside our body exists the circadian rhythm, the body clock that signals our brain when to sleep and wake. When body receives consistent light from these screens, our brain signals the body to remain awake! Ensure you shut and avoid as much light at least 30–40 minutes before going to bed to have a deep and sound sleep.

Maintain a Cool Temperature in the Room

Our body temperature decreases approximate 1–2 degrees as we fall asleep and increases slowly as we wake up. If your bedroom is too warm, it will take longer for the body to lower its temperature, thus taking more time for your body to begin deep sleep phase. By maintaining cool temperature in the room, the body will tune into deep sleep phase on a natural rhythm.

Take it Easy on your Alcohol Consumption

As we know alcohol can sedate and allow most people to fall asleep in short time however, studies show that alcohol disrupts REM sleep by confusing the body’s awake time. Also, alcohol can cause some of our organs to overheat such as liver and large intestine and disrupt our natural metabolism. When our body metabolism shifts, our hormone functions differently and therefore you’re sleeping pattern and your energy goes out of whack.

See if you can try to add any of these new habits. Remember that a good sleep will put you in a good mood, high energy level and allow you to rock your day!





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